What we do

We have an unrivalled track record of recovering crypto assets collectively worth tens of millions of pounds for organisations, including institutional investors, neobanks and in-play betting companies that have fallen victim to fraud. 

We provide a unique, all-in-one crypto recovery service

We cover the entire process from investigating and tracing the proceeds of fraud, through to complex legal recovery processes and enforcement. 

We’re a team of cyber intelligence specialists, recovery agents, forensic accountants and expert lawyers, working with our proprietary technology all under one roof.

If you have purchased our Crypto Legal Expenses Insurance Policy, all your legal costs are covered up to £250,000 and you will keep all the assets that are successfully recovered.

A standard policy covers legal costs up to £250,000, but limits are variable. If you require higher limits, please contact us for a quotation. The policy can be extended. 

You can take out our policy both before or after the event the loss has occurred. 

From insuring crypto asset investments before the event, right through to recovering crypto assets should the worst happen, we’re here to protect your crypto investments.

We have an unparalleled success rate, and recovered in the region of £500,000 worth of crypto assets last year alone.

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