Crypto recovery

We have an unrivalled track record of recovering crypto assets collectively worth tens of millions of pounds for organisations, including institutional investors, neobanks and in-play betting companies that have fallen victim to fraud. 

We provide a unique, all-in-one crypto recovery service

We cover the entire process from investigating and tracing the proceeds of fraud, through to complex legal recovery processes and enforcement. 

We’re a team of cyber intelligence specialists, recovery agents, forensic accountants and expert lawyers, working with our proprietary technology all under one roof.

We have a 100% success rate, and recovered in the region of £500,000 worth of crypto assets last year alone.


Start your recovery

How about we have a more in-depth form here

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Address
  • Crypto wallet
  • Amount lost
  • Big box for extra details

Once this box has been filled in the details will go to your email – we could then forward them to a payment system to take that £5,000?

They would then receive an automatic email to say thank you, we will be in touch for further details and then the process goes manual.